So many people I know say they feel like they are stuck in the Twilight Zone or a time loop.

Time is flying by! Where did the time go? How can it be the middle of 2022?

It got me thinking… again. What if time isn’t moving at all? What if we are moving? In circles and cycles. Which brings me to my research…


I came across a video from the 1990s. In it, the speaker is discussing the bible and how it relates to the Sun’s journey through the zodiac. And that journey is exactly the same as every son of God story ever written. Jesus, Krishna, Horus, etc. And, it’s the same journey happening within us.

I grew up attending Catholic schools yet cannot recall one single passage from the bible except this one: “The kingdom of God is within.” And that’s only because I tried to read Tolstoy’s book of the same title. I’ll admit, I thought reading the title was enough. I never did understand the whole concept of Jesus dying for our sins and that we were born sinners. And that God was somewhere out THERE.

My curiosity about the Sun’s trip through the sky led me to others who’ve laid out the same blueprint. These others, the ancients, left behind temples, pyramids and symbols meant to be interpreted and passed along through the ages (the cycles).

Turns out, being a messenger of this wisdom, however, brings dire consequences. Even death. But, nothing can ever destroy truth. And that alone is comforting and empowering, especially as we go through the trials and tribulations of the present.

If I have learned anything from my research, it’s that I have only just begun. I’m four years old all over again. Thinking about the white ring in the black sky. Only this time I am not searching for the beginning.

My mother was right. “Always was and always will be.”