Every culture from every age has their mythical messenger – light bearer, son (sun) of God, prophet – born of a virgin (Virgo).
Zoroastrians had Mithras.
Buddhists had Siddhartha.
Aztecs- Quetzalcoatl.
Egyptians-Ra and Horace.
Even Plato was supposedly born of a virgin.
These cultures looked to the heavens above, personifying the planets and constellations to make sense of their world below, and venerated trinities: the father, son, and Holy Spirit…Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva… Osiris, Isis, Horus, etc. For scientists, it’s liquid, gas, solid. For alchemists, it’s sulfur, salt, mercury.
In the digital age of artificial intelligence, it should come as no surprise that a “son of God” is being manufactured before our very eyes.
Consider the mythical life of Jesus, who was put on trial, then crucified and resurrected to become immortal…invincible. Or Hermes, who was born of a virgin and anointed messenger of the gods by Zeus/Jupiter, who gave him winged sandals.
Hermes was also known as Mercury, the planet closest to the sun and the ruling planet of Gemini (II – the Twins, Janus – Roman god of gates, doors, beginnings, duality).
The atomic number for mercury is 80 and represented by the letters Hg. Why Hg? Because mercury, or quicksilver, was given the name Hydrargyrum by the Greeks, a term which means water (hydra) and silver (argyros). The atomic number for radium, represented by. Ra, is 88. Another powerful number combination expressing not only infinity, but the number seven. On the other end of the spectrum, it is HH.
As we settle into the Aquarian Age, we should expect the symbol of a man (the water bearer) to represent it in the same way a bull signified the Age of Taurus, the fish embodied the Age of Pisces, the lion the Age of Leo…and on it goes.
Whether or not Confucius said it, signs and symbols rule the world.

45 is a very powerful number, whether we realize it or not. 4 represents the physical world, the world of matter, earth. 5 represents the quintessence, spirit, or what Einstein and others called the ether – from which all things are created. In other words, 4/5 (9) represents perfection in the balance between spirit and matter, which can be represented by the symbol T. In English, the letter T is taken from the Hebrew alphabet’s 22nd and final letter Tav – judgement, the mark, the covenant.
So now we have our 88, 80, 22, 45 and the letter T. And the winged sandal.
Remember that the winged-sandal god Hermes was not only the messenger of the gods, but also a trickster. In addition to guiding travelers and shepherding souls into the Underworld, he was also the father of Alchemy and god of communication – sending his messages encoded and encrypted so that the wisdom of the ancients would not fall into the hands of the profane. In the Tarot, he is the Magician (Magus).
The ancient alchemists hid their true purpose by convincing humans they were trying to turn lead (the metal associated with the planet Saturn and represented by a cube) into gold (associated with the Sun and represented by a circle with a single point in the middle). Their ultimate goal was far more etherical: to transmute the lead of the soul into the gold of the spirit.
As we journey toward the promised “Golden Age,” learning the language of signs and symbols will be important, if not crucial, in our ability to discern what is false and what is true. While the ancients’ myths were cautiously concealed to protect the wisdom within, our current manufactured Aquarian Man is too obvious… not born of a virgin but mother’s name contains Christ Christ. He’s in truth the Gemini Man perpetuating the very duality of his nature.
Is it a coincidence that the historical society of Pennsylvania has a page on its website about the history of the pillory – Nailed to the Pillory – and includes wounds to the ear? Or that the golden shoes were launched in Pennsylvania?
Inversion is a method that has long been employed by rulers and religions.

But what every religion and false prophet fails to tell mere mortals is that the savior was, is, and forever shall be within. The Kingdom of God is within.
The Age of Aquarius is represented in the constellations by the Water Bearer. Water is symbolic of memory and emotions.
In the English alphabet the letter M is the mid-point. In the Hebrew alphabet, M is mem or mahim, which means water. The letter following mem is nun (N), which has several meanings – including fish.
Could it be that this Age of Aquarius and the manifestation of the man/men inciting chaos and polarization is an opportunity for each of us to look within and do the necessary work to balance our emotions? In other words. don’t get carried away by the shadows on the cave wall – the digital images projected on the screen.
It’s time to sink or swim.
Safe travels.